

2–5 February 2021



Identifying best practice in remote co-design


Presenting Author(s): Sarah Kaur, Misha Kaur, Emma Blomkamp
03 February 2021

In the last few months, design practitioners around the globe have hit the ground running and offered online alternatives to face-to-face co-design workshops. At ServDes2020, we build on this shared experience to ask, what does good look like in remote co-design?

Whether using WhatsApp, phone calls, online whiteboards or tightly orchestrated Zoom breakout rooms, we have been defining new roles (facilitator/moderator, scribe and tech support/navigator) and navigating new challenges and opportunities for creativity and collaboration. Webinars, training, templates, toolkits and other resources have been developed for design practitioners and facilitators to share and adapt.

Rigorous assessment of what good co-design looks like is an ongoing area of discussion and research. In an online workshop for ServDes2020, we are creating a space for experienced practitioners who have delivered remote co-design to share what they have learnt and put forward a vision for best practice in remote co-design. We seek to create criteria to evaluate the quality of experiences and participation, as well as the outputs and outcomes of remote workshops. We hope to highlight where remote online workshops have enabled not only simulation and augmentation of face-to-face activities, but significantly modified them or allowed a chance to redefine the practice.

Europe (CET): 3rd February 2021 1:45 am to 3:45 am

US (EST): 2nd February 2021 7:45 pm to 9:45 pm

Please Note: This workshop is available to those who have registered and received an email confirming their attendance from the workshop facilitators. We apologise that we cannot accommodate additional participants.

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Sarah Kaur
Sarah Kaur

Sarah Kaur is the Chief Strategy Officer at Portable, a design and technology company in Melbourne which exists to create transformational change in areas of social need and policy failure. Using design thinking to grow curiosity, stretch thinking, and create solutions that achieve strategic objectives, Sarah has led digital transformation, research and development to drive innovation in areas of Online Dispute Resolution and Death and Ageing.

Sarah mentors designers and multidisciplinary teams to scale up and adopt a HCD as a mindset, using co-design to create organisational and program structures, processes, and policies.

Emma Blomkamp
Emma Blomkamp
University of Melbourne

Emma Blomkamp is a facilitator, researcher and strategic designer, passionate about co-creating compassionate systems. She has been leading human-centred design and social innovation research and evaluation projects with public purpose organisations since 2014. As an independent consultant, Emma now focuses on supporting public and social innovators to apply creative and participatory approaches to policy and service design and delivery. Emma has a PhD in community wellbeing and urban cultural policy and continues to collaborate on academic research and publications as an Honorary Fellow at The University of Melbourne and Associate at Toi Aria: Design for Public Good (Massey University).

Misha Kaur
Misha Kaur
Australian Taxation Office

Misha has over 13 years’ experience achieving transformative economic and social outcomes from within government as well as a consulting advisor, drawing on her knowledge and passion in systems-thinking, design, behavioural economics, innovation and building government organisational capability.
More broadly Misha is also known for supporting women’s issues and leadership and has designed and facilitated mentoring programs for women. Academically, Misha is also undertaking her doctoral research in the promise that taking a more transdisciplinary approach to solving public sector problems can have, utilising the new model she has developed for the ATO as a basis for this research.